Emmy’s electritionamazingfanpot day

First I would wake up bright and early without being tired. Then, I would go downstairs and eat a huge nice breakfast with all my favorites foods like waffles and fruit. After I’m all filled up, I would head to Disneyland where I’m the only person there and I would ride all the rides and eat all the food for free. After about two hours at Disneyland, I would take my friends and go to the beach. After a couple hours of that, we would faster get in a plane and fly to Hawaii and spend the rest of my perfect day there. Finally, we would get a dinner of all my favorite meals so I could have anything I want. Then, I would go to bed at 12 after a perfect day.

My Favorite Meal

Whenever someone asks me my favorite meal, my answer will always be the same. Buttered noodles with bread and butter, ceaser salad, gelato, and pineapple Fanta! The warm noodles have the perfect comforting but also salty and buttery flavor, and really feel like home. The perfect round rolls and the salty butter go perfectly together, and make you feel like you have just been told a story because of how nicely they work together. The ceaser salad has a soft, refreshing taste like how it would feel to drink water filtered straight from a glittering lake. The gelato is soft and chocolatey, giving you the taste of pure heaven. And finally, the pineapple Fanta excitingly fizzes up in your mouth and when the sweet flavor hits, it feels like you’re drinking a party! So whenever someone asks me my favorite meal, I always know what to say!

Forever 23

If I could be any age forever, I would choose 23! I would be an adult, living college life and living my best life. I would be able to make my own choices, but still not be old enough to need a job because I would still be in college and at 23, your parents still help you out. At twenty three, I would relax and not worry much because I’m already in college, with my whole future figured out. I would go to my two or three classes, go back to my dorm, get lunch, and then hang out with my college friends! But also, I would have my own small house back home, or I could always visit my parents house whenever it’s the weekend or a holiday!

Free Write

If I could design a movie, it would be about a girl who one day wakes up and realizes everyone is gone. The whole world is still the same, but nobody is there. It takes her a while to adjust, but after a while she figures out how to get by and learns how to do things she’s never even attempted before. For example, she learns to drive a car to get her groceries. However, there are constant issues with overpopulation of animals and she needs to learn how to fight back against them. It’s not everyday that you see a lion in your bed, especially not in California. After she thinks she has finally settled in though, she learns she isn’t completely alone…

Rad Reading – September

For the month of September, I read a book called One Great Lie by Deb Caletti. This book was a realistic fiction about a high schooler named Charlotte who is accepted into a trip to a private island in Italy with famous author Luca Bruni and many other highschool students with hopes to be a writer. And Charlotte is determined to find out about the history of her ancestor, Isabella Di Angelo. As the book goes on, Charlotte finds out more about this creepy past and learns that the true Luca Bruni might surprise her.

This book took a while to take off, but once it did, I really liked it. It was very slow at times and hard to get through, but once you got to the good part it was hard to put down. I loved the way the scene was set, and how you could feel like you were there. I also loved reading about Charlotte getting closer to the other teenagers there, and eventually bonding with the other girls about the truth of the history and future.

My favorite character was Avni. She was my favorite because she was kind and bold and wasn’t afraid to stand up for what was right. For example, when Charlotte was upset about who Luca Bruni really was, she talked to Avni because Avni had a similar perspective. And when she told Avni, Avni took charge and exposed him instead of staying quiet and letting her and Charlotte suffer in silence.

I really didn’t have a favorite quote because I didn’t enjoy the book much. The beginning never pulled me in, it would randomly jump time and change relationships with other characters, it didn’t have a very good plot until maybe more near the end (however when it got “good” it was never nearly as good as the book I’m reading now), the ending was a let down, and overall it was a boring not worth it book.

Fictional Universe

I would love to live in a Disney movie because of many different reasons. I think I would love to be a Disney princess (without the villains) because of all the cute animals and huge palace. I would wake up everyday in my huge bed and giant room and listen to the birds singing. Then, I would go downstairs into the huge castle main room, sing a song because I would be good at that if I was a Disney princess. After the amazing song finishes, I would go outside and play with the cute animals like bunnies and foxes (all threatening animals would be safe in this universe), and run around in the huge garden. The garden would eventually lead to a magical forest with a gorgeous shimmery river with bright clear water and horses who’s hair is soft and white as snow. After a long day of doing whatever I want, I would get ready for bed in my massive bathroom and then I would hop back into my giant soft bed again, as another magical day awaits me.

My Dream Home

My dream home would be in France and it would be huge! First, it would be in a big huge garden with a big gate and lots of protection, sort of like a maze. Once you get past the huge bush maze and into the home area, It would have two large fancy doors and the house itself will be big as a house can be. You walk in, you will be greeted by my many dogs and it will be a large room in the front with soft couches and chairs. Each bedroom will have a theme. It could be ocean, which will be underground and you will have the ability to look at the actual ocean through your window but in an area where no humans can bother you and you will only see ocean life and animals. It could be the arcade room, with many games, a movie theater, a popcorn machine, cotton candy, drinks, and even your own show with performers only if chosen. Or, you could have a d.i.y design room where you could set everything up. Each bedroom will include a bathroom. Each regular hang out room will have a different theme too. You could be in the autumn evening room, which will have everything you need (including weather) for a nice fall night, that also includes a hot summer day room and a nice winter room too. Finally, outside will consist of its own roller coaster, huge dog house, and pool. Would you like to come stay?

Where In The World Would I Be?

If I could travel anywhere in the world, I would go to the Bahamas! I would stay in those little houses on the water and a day in my life would look like:

7:00am- wake up

7:10am- go for a morning swim in the clear water

8:00am- get breakfast

9:15am- check out the town

12:15pm- get lunch

2:00pm- come back from the town

3:00pm- relax

4:00pm- swim more

6:30pm- finish swimming and get dinner

8:00pm- finish dinner

9:00pm- get ready for bed

9:30pm- relax

10:15- go to bed

Well, thank you so much for spending my dream day with me in my dream place! I hope you enjoyed it!

All about Emmy!

I’m Emmy. This is my blog. I am in seventh grade at a school in California. I live with my parents, brother, sister, cat, and dog. When I think of my future, I want a couple different things. First off, I want a rich, successful, famous life, but I would also like a happy life with my dogs or whatever pets I have. Something I always enjoy doing is sitting at my lake house while it’s fall and raining and sitting down on my couch looking out at my rainy doc while all the way up at my house on the hill, and reading and listening to music with a fire on or watching movies. Well, this is all about me. Thank you so much for reading!