I’m Thankful For

One thing I am thankful for this year is my dog. My dog, Brady, is the best dog I could ask for. Whenever I am sad, he always runs up and comforts me. After a long boring day at school, he greets me at the door and puts his paws on the door and barks, so my mom knows to open it for me. I will always take him on walks and play with him when no one else is around to do it or just when someone is needed to. He is with me all the time when I’m not in school and I could never ask for a better dog. Another thing I am thankful for is my family. They put a roof over my head and I can always to go them with my problems. Without them, I would never survive. A third thing to be thankful for is my house. I have shelter, I have food, I have a warm nice bed all because of my house, and I wouldn’t ask for a better house. And finally, I am thankful for my closet. I get to wake up each morning, choose how I want to dress instead of being like one of those cartoon characters that are stuck in the same boring outfit all the time. Well, as you can see, my life has many, many things to be thankful for!

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